Objectives and Expected Outcomes
The project will leverage a well-established and internationally proven technology with a high level of maturity, ensuring there are no uncertainties regarding its functionality. However, this technology has not yet been widely adopted at the national level. The project aims to achieve the following specific objectives:
- Installation of a production capacity of up to 600 Nm³/h of biomethane using membrane technology, derived from biogas previously produced through the anaerobic digestion of agro-industrial wastewater;
- Liquefaction of biomethane to optimize the logistics of its transportation to the nearest liquefied natural gas (LNG) consumption point with adequate demand capacity;
- Reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions;
- Integration of liquefied biomethane into the European energy network.
Project | BIO-LNG – Liquefied Production from Biogas Generated through Anaerobic Digestion
Beneficiary | Capwatt Biometano Aljustrel, Unipessoal Lda
Project Description | The Bio-LNG project aims to produce liquefied biomethane from biogas previously generated through the anaerobic digestion of agro-industrial wastewater.
Project Start | December 2023
Project End | December 2025
Investment | €2,362,500.00